- Über JCP
- Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten
Das JCP hat sich dem Schutz und der Förderung des Wohlergehens von Kindern und Jugendlichen verschrieben und verlangt von allen Mitarbeitern und Freiwilligen, dass sie diese Verpflichtung teilen.
Wir suchen talentierte und hochkarätige Mitarbeiter für unser Team, die unsere Vision teilen und sich für sie begeistern.
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If you would like to enquire further about any vacancy or about a career at JCP, please email Rachel Winston-Jones, School Business Manager, r.winstonjones@jcp.sch.je or call +44 (0)1534 516111.
Teaching Assistant (Part-time)
Jersey College Prep is looking for a highly motivated Key Stage 1 Teaching Assistant to join our dynamic support team at JCP starting September 2024.
Applicants should have suitable qualifications and experience and be committed to ensuring the highest standards and levels of learning, care and safeguarding for all our pupils. They should be able to demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills when dealing with pupils, staff and parents and have a history of working with pupils in small groups or on a 1:1 basis.
The successful applicants will be well organised, flexible, friendly and be able to work to changing priorities. All applications are welcome and given due consideration. Specific training and development opportunities available to the right candidates.
Working hours will be from 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, term time only. Please note that salary is pro rata.
A link to the Government of Jersey Teaching Assistant pay scale can be found here: https://www.gov.je/SiteCollectionDocuments/Working%20in%20Jersey/GD%20Teaching%20Assistant%20pay%20scales.pdf
Candidates are invited to contact the Head Teacher, Mrs Catherine Precious for an informal discussion about the role.